I’ve been reading a lot of blogs lately. It’s all started during the general election last March. Bosan dengan news yang keluar dalam our daily papers yang selalunya biased, I turned to search for independence news. Surprisingly, I found more hot and transparent news.
Ever since then, I became addicted. Being in PR line, I have an advantage to read newspapers every morning for news monitoring (that is part of my job!) and surf the online news. So, curi2 la bace blog sekali..(I hope my boss did not read this)
To start this blog, is not an easy job for me. Being a perfectionist, I put every detail into accounts. And hence, it’s delayed a few times. Hmm, macam banyak sangat yang nak difikirkan. Dari tittle for the blog, nak pilih template hinggalah ke topic yang akan dibincangkan. Perhaps I’m just being procrastinated. So today, I don’t want to think much, let it just be.
My Dear Diary was chosen because it’s reminds me of my school days. I remember I had my first diary when I was about 12 years old. It was brown in colour and siap ada lock lagi. Not much was written then, cuma senarai belanjawan seharian saya ketika itu.
I was more serious writing the diary when I was 14. Being away with my family, (I was in boarding school in JB while my family was in PD) that diary keeps me a company. And of course it’s not the same diary. This time, it was yellow with flowers design. Yang lagi bestnya ketika itu, saya ada ‘kaki’ yang sama-sama minat tulis diary. Menulis diary menjadi rutin kami setiap malam, sebelum tidur. Sehari tak menulis rasa amat janggal sekali.
Berbalik kepada title My Dear Diary tadi, (saya masih belum beritahu kenapa saya pilih tittle ini) ia dipilih kerana, setiap kali saya ingin memulakan penulisan saya dalam diary kesayangan saya, saya akan memulakannya dengan My Dear Diary. I felt some sort of connection to the diary whenever I wrote that line. My diary is really precious to me. It is not only a book which just mere of papers, but this diary keeps a lot of my secrets! My best friend forever. No one knows me that deep as my diary.
I keep on writing diary even in the university days. This time my diary was blue in colour. Another best friend of mine, whom I met in the university, also owned a diary. So, the activity keeps on continuing
I stop writing a diary when I first started work. I guess the time constraint and few other reasons just make me no mood to write. Until now, I still keep all my diaries and secretly hiding in inside the timbunan baju-baju dalam my cupboard.Hehehe..takut ada orang baca especially my other half because banyak cerita-cerita cinta monyet saya didalamnya.
Dan hari ini, saya ingin menulis semula. Tetapi bukan lagi cerita-cerita budak seperti di zaman persekolahan atau universiti dulu, tapi penulisan yang lebih matang yang boleh menjadi bahan informasi dan bermanfaat kepada orang lain. Tidak ada topik yang spesifik. Saya akan menulis mengikut gerak hati daripada apa yang saya alami, lihat dan baca.
So, enjoy!
1 week ago