Thank God it didn’t happen to me. And I hope it would never happen to me or anyone of us.
Last Sunday I brought my twin to a park near Seremban 2. I put them on the twin stroller and push them along the park. It’s been quite some time I didn’t put them in the stroller. Nasib baik, my twin still nak duduk dalam tu but it’s only for a little while. I purposely put them in the stroller because I know it would be a chaos for me n my mom to jaga them if they are on their own foot. Tak terlarat nak kejar.
Ramai betul manusia kat situ. Maklumlah, tak banyak tempat to leisure di Seremban ni. Macam-macam aktiviti boleh buat kat sini. Ada yang main kite, main kat playground, jogging, bagi ikan makan at the central lake, picnic and macam-macam lagi lah.
I spotted a young girl, I think about 3 years old crying near the field. There’s one lady yang duduk near the girl. I assumed that was her mom. Manalah tau menangis sebab merajuk ke..But, upon reaching them I can clearly hear the conversation. “Mana mak?” The lady asked. The girl didn’t answer but keep on crying.
My mom, being a kay po chi..terus pergi to that girl. Memang kesian. Tersedu-sedu menangis sampai meleleh air hidung..hehe..i ambil tisu and wipe her nose. I asked her dengan siapa dia datang? I sebut Mak, Ayah, Abang and Kakak. Dalam tersedu sedan dia hanya sebut kakak. Poor girl. Maybe her kakak secara tak sedar left her behind while playing. Lama juga we all menunggu. Tak ada sapa yang datang pun. We spotted two guards tengah berehat at one of the gazebo. My mom suggested to hand the girl to the guards but I refused. Tak boleh percaya. Lebih baik tunggu. If memang tak ada orang claim, then I’ll send her to the nearest police station.
Tiba-tiba ada seorang lelaki datang. With him, there are two other girls which I suspect the poor girl older sisters kot. Geram betul tengok bapak budak ni. Muka selamba je. Tak nampak risau pun. Tak takut ke anak kena culik? Sedih betul tengok attitude sesetengah orang Malaysia ni. Very careless. Nasib baik dia sempat cakap terima kasih. If not, teruk dia kena lecture from me.
Sedih dan sayu bila teringat adik Sharlinie yang masih hilang..Harap-harap masih ada harapan untuk ditemui..
Moral of the story, tolong jaga anak anda baik-baik.