Friday, November 6, 2009

Hello…I’m Back!

Thousand apologies to all my dear friends yang follow my blog..I know I’ve neglected this blog for quite some time..My passion for updating this blog has dropped since hubby dah balik M’sia. The main reason this blog was set up pun because I want him to get update on our activities in Malaysia. Bila dia balik, blog ni terbiar kejap..haha..

Alhamdulillah, everything goes well. Hubby is working in Sepang and the twins are now staying with us. Ramai yang cakap I’m getting slimmer..hehehe..Mane taknya..kena jaga anak, masak, kemas rumah..24 hours exercise..Tak payah makan ubat or pegi gym pun..I hope my weight ni akan terus maintain..

Okla, tak nak cerita banyak..Nak post gambar2 latest my twins..To Ina, Rien, Raiehan and Fazila, this entry is dedicated to all of you..coz if korang tak sound aku suruh update, memangla aku malas nak tulis..hehehe..

Baru bangun tido..terus aje pegi pool..

Tak tau swim lagi..kena la naik float ni..


Adrianna rest kejap..

Dah boring main air, main panjat2 pulak..

Float ni present from my atuk..Moyang dieorangla..

Agak2 bole jadi model Victoria Secret tak?hehe..


imanamani said...

dapat juga baca perkembangan terbaru the twins... keep blogging k...

SuperCJ P.I said...

momentum nak menulis dah turun sikit..busy..insyaallah akan start tulis balik..

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