Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy 3rd Anniversary

Today marks my third wedding anniversary with my beloved husband. I’m quite sad as I have to celebrate it all by myself. He plans to come back but due to unforeseen circumstances, it has to be postponed. Someone said to me, ‘It’s ok, it’s just a date. You can still celebrate when he comes back”. Yeah, it’s true but…

I just couldn’t believe that my marriage has already been three years! Time flew very fast. I can still remember how kelam kabut I was planning for the wedding. Everybody was so excited because I’m the eldest in the family, the only daughter and the eldest grandchild. .

Believe it or not, I still flip through my wedding albums and watch my wedding video..hehe..

I wish that this relationship will last and Happy anniversary to me and Rizal..Luv ya..

Walking to the mosque. The mosque is just 50metres away from house..Jalan kaki aje la..hehe..Masa ni, I was staying at one army camp in Port Dickson..

Berdebar-debar..Nasib baik sekali lafaz aje..

During Upacara penukaran hantaran..

Berarak sebelum masuk dewan..This dewan is just behind my house..hehe..Almost 4,000 people turned up at my wedding..Gila ramai..

With my little cousins..All the way from Singapore...Tengok muka Umar, masam aje..kena paksa..

With one of my close friend, YAM Tunku Masera..Junjungan kurnia Ku sebab sudi mencemar duli..hehe..All the way from Johor..

With my make up artist, Kak Saidatulnisa..You did a great job..Highly recommended..This was taken during my husband's reception at Dewan Merak Kayangan

I love this picture..A good candid one..

At the dias, my friend Izma as my bridesmaid, Khai as bestman. The other two were my sis in law ida (left) and my husband's cousin Ajlin (right) as tukang bagi bunga telur..

With my parents in law (left) and my parents (right)

Me with two of my best friends, Nurul and Mimie

Sorry, the pic is quite small. We squeezed everybody in. It's was a multi racial wedding..hehe

See my veil..very long kan?


Jade said...

amboi.. grand nyer ur wedding...

nice make-up, nice baju(s)...

SuperCJ P.I said...

thanks..hehe..biase aje

Anonymous said...

THE HUSBAND: How i tak pernah tengok gambar tu semua hah?

SuperCJ P.I said...

hello the husband..those pic was taken from our wedding album la..nampak sangat tak penah tengok..teruk betul..

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