Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Are you a Shopaholic?

I’m not ashamed to admit that I am. Haha.. You are a big spender too if you encounter the following like I did..

  1. I can’t sleep well until I purchase the item that I needed.
  2. I have to lie to my husband, when he asked “Baju baru ke?” I normally answered, “Tak la, baju lama. Tak pernah pakai.” Atau pun “Baju lama la. Dah banyak kali pakai. You tak perasan kot.”
  3. I have several pair of shoes that I haven’t use since I bought them about 3-4 years ago. Reason? I bought it because it was cheap but end up I have no baju to match with, or the shoes is too tight or the shoes is too big..haha.. And same goes to my baju…I have this very bad habit which tak suka go to the fitting room. I found it very hassle la..So, whenever I see really nice baju, I’ll just ukur at my body and agak-agak it will fit me..Sometimes it’s ok but sometimes it doesn’t
  4. I have a shopping list but end up buying things that is not included in the list..
  5. I’ll buy new attire if I have function to attend / job interview / clubbing or go holiday. Going holiday is even worst sebab setengah duit dah habis beli baju sebelum pergi holiday..haha..I always plan my fashion concept in advance…
  6. I don’t have a specific shopping budget..
  7. I’ll go crazy when I see the SALE sign..hehe..
  8. I lie when my husband or mum ask “Berapa harga beli ni?” I know they will freak out when they know how much I spend..I normally reduce the price by 30%-40%
  9. I have to sorok-sorok the things that I just bought..
  10. I’ll shop when I feel down or happy..hehe..

p/s: Can’t wait to watch the Confessions of a Shopaholic. I’m a big fan of the Shopaholic series and Sophie Kinsella other novels.


Anonymous said...

pecah rahsia!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sooo..... lagi nak pegi baju baru !! when u arrive in saudi, i dont think any of your fashion matters. Only the black abaya matters. nak stylo u pakai abaya yang macam ninja tu and then pakai sunglasses JLo. Just like the Sudanese ladies here.

SuperCJ P.I said...

nanti pegi Saudi,shopping abaya pulak..hehe

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