When a friend whom I considered as little sister called and told that she had ended her four years relationship with her bf, I sympathized. I know how she feels. It’s hurt.
I’m not an expert, I’m saying based on my own experienced. I acknowledged my feelings. I feel sad, hurt, angry and betrayed. I live in the moment and allow myself to cry. Thank God, the pains eventually ease.
I’m glad that “A” turns to me for advice. She is now temporary staying with me until she found a new place. I’ll be with her to go through this difficult transition. It is not easy as it may takes weeks, months or years for her to forget.
How I get over a break up?
- Pray
- Read Mars and Venus Starting Over: A practical Guide for Finding Love Again After a Painful Break Up by John Gray (Very impactful. I love this book!)
- Change to new hair style (Cut short and coloured it blonde)
- Register myself to a Guitar Lesson (Only last for 2 months)
- Register myself to a Mandarin Class (Quit after 2 lessons)
- Lepak at Coffee Bean, Dome, Starbucks at KLCC (Hoping for rebound guy..haha)
- Go clubbing (I enjoy watching live band)
- Eat a lot
- Shopping
- Travel (Went to Jakarta, Bandung and Bali with some of girlfriends)
I cried everytime I took a shower... You remembered my 'what's up dude' bf kan? Did you come with me and tuya to the airport?
the guy with vitara tu ke?ko banyak bf. i can't really remember..haha
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